Friday, November 2, 2007

faith and science

nathan ask in an earlier class, what the difference is between science and religion. each person had a slightly different idea about what the answer was but one common idea was that science is measurable and religion is not. it is based on faith for some idea. i agree that there are many aspects of science that are measured and that is what gives them their validity. however there are also many things that are not measurable and require a certain degree of faith. gravity is only a word that has been given to that force that causes some forms of attraction. some could just as easily believe that gravity is actually god in a different form. just because science has labeled this force gravity, does not give it any more validity than someone saying god is responsible. people seem to be more willing to accept science because it can be proven or measured. but there are still so many things in our universe that science is trying to explain. how do you explain gravity? you can measure how fast something falls or how fast the planets rotate and complete their revolutions but what makes gravity, gravity. why is their an attraction between masses? i dont understand it but i except that gravity exists.

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