Thursday, September 20, 2007

socrates and euthyphro

this is the first time i've read a text with socrates. i had heard about him from many secondary sources but i had never actually read anything about him. i had this image of him being a noble and brilliant man, who was honored for his ideas and innovations. now after reading this story, i have a radically different view of socrates. he seems like an ornery old man that likes to cause trouble. he is indicted for some mediocre charge of disturbing the peace and poisoning the minds of the children in the village. he spends the entire story arguing with euthyphro and trying to confuse him. he enjoys the idea of outsmarting other people. Socrates knows that euthyphro is arrogant so he asks him a question about piety that he knows euthyphro will try and answer. euthyphro is led into a trap and socrates plans everything. this makes socrates seems even more arrogant and malevolent. i think that socrates is bored. he wants something to do so he picks a target and verbally runs circles around him to the point where euthyphro will say whatever he wants. although euthyphro may seem unreasonable for prosecuting his father, he is doing what he thinks is right. he may be doing it for the wrong reasons (he may want to save face in the community by severing his ties with his father.) but the person did die as a result of his fathers actions and there must be some consequences for that. yes euthyphro is pompous and arrogant but that should not get in the way of what is right and wrong. reading this story did make me think of a bugs bunny cartoon with daffy duck. there are many similarities regarding the characteristics of these four characters. bugs bunny is socrates because of all the tricks he pulls and his circuitous reasoning. daffy duck would be euthyphro because he is outspoken and arrogant. bugs tricks daffy just like socrates tricks euthyphro.

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