Sunday, September 16, 2007

the other day in class we continued our discussion on the bible. i was asked some thought provoking questions by tabatha. one of which i was not expecting was "how would i raise my kids?" this question caught me a little off guard manly because i am nowhere near ready to have kids and we have never really discussed how our beliefs would affect our kids . the answer to this question would have to be, i have know idea how i am going to raise my kids. yes there are certain things i will teach them and how to act with other people(dont kill anyone and dont steal), but as for trying to guide their spirituality, i think thats a little bold for me to presume that i have the right to do. i will teach my kids to respect authority and try to guide them between what is right and wrong, but sunday school is not on the top of my list. i am not saying that i will not let my kids go to church, quite the opposite, if they really want to go i will encourage them to pursue their passion. i think they should have the right to choose whether or not they believe in a greater power and whether or not to adopt certain beliefs instead of teaching them to accept them from a very young age. many young children see church or religious services as a chore either because they are bored or dont really understand what is happening. its not until people mature and grow that they can really understand some of the beliefs and ideologies from different religions. thats why i think its important to wait until the children are old enough to think for themselves so that they can form their own ideas on spirituality and really choose for themselves if church is right for them. its their life, they have to live it.

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