Monday, October 1, 2007

and still more socrates

so at the end of class we discussed the ending of the conversation between socrates and euthyphro. some believed that there should have been a conclusion to the question, "what is pious and what is impious." i think the ending has more of a meaning if there is no answer to the question. on some level everyone wants to know the answer to that question and others like it, but regardless of the answer there would be naysayers who will find fault with it. the entire point of socrates questioning euthyphro is to get him to realize that some questions dont have answers. socrates wants people to question. most people in this society accept religious ideologies as being true without understanding them. i dont think socrates has an answer to the question and he knows that euthyphro does not either. on can see in this exchange that socrates is attempting to teach euthyphro that there are limitations to the human mind and our ability to comprehend. if at the end of all of this, socrates had told euthyphro, "ok the pious is ____,"he would have simply rendered his lesson meaningless and succeeded only in making a fool out of euthyphro.
in a way, not having an answer makes socrates seem even more intelligent.

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